Add a Facebook Feed to Your Homepage Add a Facebook Feed to Your Homepage Html

Raise your hand if you have ever wondered how to embed a Facebook feed on your webpage?

Updating your Facebook page and doing the same for your website is a huge pain and time-consuming, so many community managers are just fed up with this task.

Steps on how to embed Facebook feed right now:

  1. Activate your free trial with EmbedSocial
  2. Connect your Facebook account
  3. Generate your Facebook posts in a Facebook widget
  4. Customize and moderate the widget
  5. Copy and embed the code on your website

This is how that looks like on a WordPress site:

embed facebook feed on website

Like what you see? Create and embed this Facebook feed on your website with EmbedSocial.

Or feel free to continue to check all the five quick steps with the screenshots we cover in this blog post.

Why you should use Facebook feed on your website?

Embedding Facebook feed on your website allows you to bridge the gap between the huge social audience and your business to generate more leads and increase conversions by adding social proof to your website and enhancing engagement and time on site.

A live Facebook feed on the website through social media aggregators enables you to add the stream of live social feed on the website. It works in real-time and is beneficial for announcing upcoming Facebook events, offers and promotions.

The great news is that now everyone can apply important Facebook content on their website and easily build trust with the website visitors.

And guess what?

You don't have to be tech-savvy and have extensive knowledge of more advanced technological functionalities such as API.

So, in this post, we outline a few methods that can help you experience these benefits and display your Facebook page activity on your website.

1. Signup for the Facebook feed plugin

EmbedFeed is a full-featured social media aggregator that has direct integration with major social media networks, such as Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, and Twitter.

To embed a Facebook feed with EmbedFeed, first, you will need to log in to your account or if you still do not have an account you get a free trial account. Once you have the account, just follow these steps:

  • Click on the menu "Sources"
  • Click the top-right green button "Add New"
  • Select Facebook and click 'Next'
  • Paste or type your Facebook Page URL and click 'Next'
  • Once the feed is generated, click 'Create Feed'
  • Copy the provided embeddable code
  • Paste it into the HTML iframe of your website or in the text editor of your CMS.

That's it. Here is a demo of an embedded Facebook social feed.

And, below are the steps in detail with screenshots.

2. Import the Facebook Feed into your account

Once you log in to your EmbedSocial account, click 'Sources' in the left-hand menu, and follow these steps:

Step 1: On the 'Sources' page click the top-right 'Add new source' button.

add source

Step 2: In the sources list, just click on the 'Facebook' box as shown below:

choose to embed Facebook social media feed

Step 3: A popup will appear to provide the permissions to connect to your Facebook page.

Step 4: On the next screen, you will need to choose whether you want to embed your own page feed or you want to embed the posts published by Facebook users who mentioned your page.

For this example, we will choose the Facebook page posts, so in the 'Source type' screen just choose the'Facebook Page Posts' option. A list with your Facebook pages will appear where you will need to choose the page from which you want to create a feed widget from.

Click 'Next'.

choose facebook page to embed facebook widget

Step 5: In the last step you will only need to click 'Create Feed' and the system will redirect you to the widget editor where you will see the generated Facebook feed

select social media feed template

Congratulations! You've just imported an entire Facebook Page feed into your account. So let's get the code and embed it on your website.

Follow the next step.

3. Copy/paste a simple code in your website HTML

Once you open your Facebook feed in edit mode, you will find the feed's embeddable code in the top right section. Below is an example and you can see the exact position of the code, highlighted with a red circle.

embed facebook feed plugin

Once you get your code, choose the position on your website where you want to embed the feed widget and just paste this code.

It can be literally anywhere like a sidebar, landing page, or blog post.

The feed will be immediately displayed on your website.

4. Customize your Facebook Feed

The Embed Facebook Feed plugin – EmbedFeed has a few customization features and settings that can help you create a customizable Facebook feed according to your needs.

Use the following settings:

  • Moderation – handpick which posts appear in your feed. Also, choose the option to auto-add new posts every time you post on Facebook, that will sync in real-time with your website
  • Add Buy buttons – choose the 'Call to Action' option and add buttons on the posts so your web visitors can immediately buy the product or learn more about the post in the feed.
  • Number of posts in feed – limit the number of posts that you want the feed to display
  • Custom CSS –  Hide or show the number of likes, and posts or include a share button. This option is to fully customize the entire look of the feed by submitting a custom CSS classes with your own styles
  • Post width – you can choose the posts to show in a larger or smaller width
  • Mobile responsive – Post width for phones and tablets, choose different post sizes for smaller devices
  • Include full post – this option will enable or disable the caption for photo posts
  • No coding required
  • Edit title text, change title color and size
  • Once you change the feed settings, just click "Save"
customize facebook feed widget
embed facebook feed

Embed Facebook feed on your website, automatically!

Try EmbedFeed and add Facebook posts from your page, mentions, or posts with specific hashtags on your website, with just a few clicks.

All features included | Live support available

If you don't have the time to read all the above, here is a step by step tutorial on how to embed your Facebook page feed on any website:

Add Facebook Feed On WordPress, Wix, Drupal, Joomla, and more

Last, but certainly not least, you might want to add more than one feed. This option is currently available to all users, so YES, you can get UNLIMITED feeds and embed them on any website.

The best thing is that the code works for every major CMS, Drupal, WordPress, Joomla, Wix, Squarespace, PageCloud, and more.

Facebook feed plugin wordpress wix joomla drupal

And do you know what's the best part? You won't need to install anything or have any advanced knowledge in programming languages such as JavaScript or HTML, and CSS.

Just copy and paste the script code in the CMS editor.

Note: For WordPress websites, you can install our official WordPress Facebook Feed plugin and use a shortcode if you prefer.

The same steps apply to embedding Instagram and Twitter feeds on your website.

One of the simplest solutions that can help you to embed your Facebook Page timeline feed you can use the free Page Plugin by Facebook.

  1. Enter your Facebook Page URL
  2. Set width or height parameters
  3. Click Get Code
  4. And just copy and paste the embed code in your website body section

 Note: The Page Plugin by Facebook has limited functionalities for custom Facebook feed, not enabling you to display your Facebook feed in a specific layout like a grid, masonry, slideshow, or similar.

Other option: Embed Facebook Feed as a photo album

Well, the good news is that there is a plugin that can embed your Facebook feed as a photo album on your website in the next 5 seconds. Technically, this means that you will be able to embed an entire Facebook page feed photos on a website in a grid layout with one line of code that will sync your website with your Facebook page activity.

It is a simple Free Facebook Feed Plugin, and it will only need you to embed one line of code in the HTML body tag of your blog post or website page. Don't worry if you are using WordPress for your website or blog. This plugin will help you to embed your Facebook feed in your WordPress, Drupal, or Joomla websites, too.

It is part of the EmbedAlbum platform, and you can use it free, forever. It is different than the EmbedFeed PRO version due to the fact it embeds only the Facebook page photos and not the feed but creates an amazing gallery that still syncs automatically with your Facebook's activity.

embed facebook feed

Embed Facebook feed on your website, automatically!

Try EmbedFeed and add Facebook posts from your page, mentions, or posts with specific hashtags on your website, with just a few clicks.

All features included | Live support available

Now you've learned that you can display your Facebook feeds on any website in seconds. EmbedFeed currently integrates with all the major social media platforms and all the integrations are through an official API. These integrations allow you to do more than just the option to embed Facebook feeds. You can:

  • Embed YouTube playlist feed
  • Embed Instagram feed
  • Embed Twitter hashtag feed
  • Embed Instagram feed
  • Embed Pinterest board

For any additional inquiries, you can always contact our support team with a click on the bottom right chat icon.


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